Long Black Coffee – How Long Is It Good For?
With so many different coffee beverages available, how are you supposed to know the right one or tell the difference? For instance, it’s easy to confuse a long black coffee with a short black. However, in this discussion, we’ll focus on long black coffee and explore how it’s made, so you can make an informed choice when ordering your coffee.
What Is A Long Black Coffee?
A long black coffee is traditionally an espresso-based drink made by pouring two shots of espresso or ristretto over hot water, creating a strong and slightly bitter coffee with a rich crema. This drink is popular in many parts of the world, including Australia and New Zealand.
Typical long black has a higher espresso-to-water ratio than an Americano. It is often served black, without milk or sugar, and is enjoyed for its bold flavor and smooth finish.
History Of Long Black Coffee?
Long black coffees have been around for many years; it was initially created for American tourists visiting Italy. Americans were used to brewed, filtered coffee and shots of espresso. However, these often were too strong.

Traditional long black coffee comes with two espresso shots (double ristretto). In most cases, it’s still made this way today. However, due to the strength of some people, the newer version involves a single shot of espresso instead.
To please American tourists, they adapted their espresso by adding hot water and making them larger (long black coffee). However, reducing the strength of the coffee by using only one espresso and just like that, the long black coffee was created.
What’s The Difference Between A Short Black Coffee And A Long Black Coffee?
Both of these coffee drinks are different in their style; a short black coffee refers to the fact it’s simply an espresso shot with no added water. However, long black coffee requires two shots of espresso and more water. Furthermore, black comes from the color of the coffee itself. Here we have listed the main differences below!
- Long black coffee is served in a larger coffee cup than short black
- One shot of espresso is served in a short black coffee
- Two shots of espresso is served in a long black coffee
- Short black only requires the water to brew the espresso shot (25-35ml)
- A long black is prepared by extracting two espresso shots over hot water, retaining the coffee crema, and avoiding burning the flavors.
- The term long refers to a larger volume, as you add hot water it increases
How To Make A Long Black coffee
Typically measure out 4-6ounces of ground coffee before brewing, and ratio of 3/4 water to 1/4 espresso. Depending on your preferred strength, this ratio can be tweaked.
When making a long black coffee, hold the cup of hot water below the spout where the espresso drops out. This allows the espresso shot to stay above the hot water keeping the crema intact and preventing the brewed coffee from burning. Let’s begin!
- Start by filling a medium coffee cup (150 – 200ml) with 80% hot water at a temperature of 195 – 205°F.
2. Measure between 4 – 6 ounces of medium coffee grinds into the portafilter. (This will vary depending on desired strength)
3. Tamp the coffee grinds with even pressure, ensuring their level. Press down with 30 – 40 pounds of pressure
4. Insert the portafilter into the espresso machine
5. Pull the espresso shot immediately, stop around 20 seconds, or measure grams on the scale
6. Serve and enjoy!
Top 3 Long Black Coffee Machines
Breville BES840XL the Infuser Espresso Machine
This infuser espresso machine delivers low, steady water pressure to the ground coffee and allows the coffee grinds to expand before stepping up to high pressure. Furthermore, resulting in an even extraction that produces a balanced espresso flavor.
Mr. Coffee Espresso and Cappuccino Maker | Café Barista
This espresso machine is a semi-automatic barista brewer; if you’re purchasing on a budget, you can’t go wrong for under $200. However, we found it can slack on strong coffee flavor. It may take a few attempts to find your desired strength, furthermore does pull single or double shots effortlessly.
Espresso Machine 3.5 Bar 4 Cup Espresso Maker Cappuccino Machine
With a simple and compact design, this stainless steel espresso machine provides 1 – 4 cups of espresso in under a minute. Overall, everything is removable for easy cleaning and is best for home and kitchen use.
Extra features such as a single switch knob with an indicator light and accurate temperature control can ensure the best taste.
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What Is The Difference Between An Americano And A Long Black?
Both are espresso-based. However, the main difference between these two coffee-based drinks is the way hot water is poured into the shot of espresso.
An Americano is made by adding espresso first and hot water in a cup. This method preserves the integrity and aroma while stretching the amount of coffee by adding hot water.
A long black coffee is made by adding hot water to a cup. First, espresso shots were poured in afterward. This method retains crema and is less voluminous, producing a stronger coffee flavor.
- Overall the long black coffee has more crema than an Americano.
What Do Americans Call A Long Black Coffee?
In America, when you order a “Short Americano” or “Americano With Half The Water,” most baristas will gladly make your requested drink when you explain what you want.
This is the closest thing you will get in America to a long black coffee. Both include an espresso shot with hot water. The significant difference is long black has hot water added first; this retains the crema and therefore has a stronger flavor.
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What Is A Long Black Coffee In New Zealand?
In New Zealand, they are called the same thing; both Australia and New Zealand have them on the coffee drink menu. Some cafes will serve a long black with extra hot water so the consumer can adjust the flavor to their preferences. This saves the barista some headaches.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for a stronger cup of coffee in the mornings or plan on visiting Australia or New Zealand, we recommend giving this drink a try. It will be the closest thing to a standard Americano.