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What Is A Coffee Sock – How To Make It?

What Is A Coffee Sock? You are probably conflicted because you’ve heard that paper filters are hazardous to the environment. Their production involves the destruction of many trees, furthermore all the waste their manufacturing process generates.

You can abandon paper filters without losing the great taste of a well-made cup of coffee by adopting the coffee sock. Coffee socks are simple, quick, and environmentally friendly. Specific countries like Cuba and Singapore have been using them for decades. This is as good a time as any for you to jump on this bandwagon as well.

What Is A Coffee Sock

What Is A Coffee Sock?

A coffee sock is an organic filter used for specific brewing methods. Made from untreated organic cotton, containing 90% cellulose and is insoluble in water.

It’s tightly-knit fabric is commonly organic, however the fabric can be flannel. Cellulose cannot affect the taste or fragrance of your coffee because it is tasteless and odorless.

The sock used here is not the sock you wear. It is a kind of coffee filter made of cloth. The sock-shaped filter made of cloth, instead of paper filter or coffee pods, is used to make a cup of coffee. This coffee brewing method was originally used in Costa Rica but today it is popular all over the US because of making flavorful coffee every time.

History Of A Coffee Sock

There are many stories surrounding this filter and its origins. The common belief is that it comes from Costa Rica and that its creation was inspired by the chorreador, a device from Costa Rica that makes coffee.

Many other countries use coffee socks on a daily basis such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Singapore.

What Methods Use Coffee Socks For Brewing?

Certain methods us coffee socks as a filter, 4 main ways of brewing coffees are listed below!

Cold Brew

In this method you can put the required amount of coffee grounds in the sock on your cup. Now instead of pouring boiled water, pour cold water and allow it to soak the grounds for several hours. This method takes 8-24 hours to complete depending upon the desired strength and flavor of coffee you want.


When making, measure 20 grams coffee and 300 grams boiled water for one person. In this coffee maker you can make up to 8 cups of coffee at a time. Consider boiling water according to the number of cups of coffee you want to make. When ready place the coffee sock on the top of the coffee maker and put coffee grounds on it and pour boiling water slowly on the grounds within 2 minutes so that the grounds are completely brewed.


In this method a cup of 250ml coffee may need 17gm coffee ground and 250ml boiled water to be poured up to 3 minutes slowly at the intervals of 30 seconds. To start this brewing method you will have to rinse the sock filter and put it on the crater of the coffee maker. Now put the coffee grounds in the middle of the filter and pour 30-35ml boiled water on the grounds for 3 minutes after every 30 seconds so that the grounds are fully infused


In this method you have to assemble the brewer by putting a plunger into the brew chamber and add 1-2 tablespoons full of coffee grounds to it. Now pour hot water slowly on the grounds and stir it with a spoon so that the brewing can be finished in 1 ? minute. Now add the filter section of the brewer and place your coffee sock into it. Now put your coffee mug on the brew chamber and press the plunger of the Aeropress to get the cup of Coffee Sock coffee of your choice.

Recommended Coffee Sock Brands

Every time you brew coffee, paper filters are used which can be harmful to our planet. Using cloth filters avoids environmental damage and made of organic cotton. Some of the top coffee sock brands are reviewed here helping you choose the perfect fit.

Organic Cotton Cold Brew Coffee Bag by Doppeltree

Organic Cotton Cold Brew Coffee Bag

This coffee bag is used to filter sludge or coffee grounds easily while using cold brewing method. It is made from 100% organic natural cotton and can be operated easily with the help of a drawstring.


  • 100% organic filter
  • Filters sludge and grounds
  • Easy to clean
  • Drawstring to open it effortlessly


  • Needs more coffee grounds to get a flavor of choice
  • Performance can be difficult

French Press Brewing Bags by Plum Labs

French Press Brewing Bags

This style of coffee sock is perfect for French press methods, furthermore easily cleaned after every use and made from high-quality materials. It completes all three steps of the French press to brew coffee. Moreover, can be used to brew various types of beverages along with coffee.


  • Made of high-quality materials
  • Easy to clean
  • Versatile usage
  • Easy to fill coffee grounds


  • Finer grounds and oil get trapped in this bag
  • It affects the flavor of the coffee

Easy Cold Brew Coffee

Easy Cold Brew Coffee

This coffee sock makes large quantities for cold brew. Moreover, can be used on any dispenser of 1 or 2-gallons due to its large size and you can dispose of it after filtering your coffee. Great for 6 – 8 cups of coffee per batch, saving money as you’ll use less coffee filter.


  • Disposable filter
  • Versatile usage
  • Money-saving
  • Money-back guarantee


  • Large size of the bag may not fit all brewing methods.
  • Takes several attempts to make preferred taste.

Disposable Cold Brew Coffee Filters by Homhyee

Disposable Cold Brew Coffee Filters

These disposable coffee filters are designed for commercial use. They are made from durable but natural materials and easily composted after each use. Taking less time to brew your coffee than traditional methods.


  • Disposable cold brew bags of commercial size
  • No need to clean
  • Made from durable and natural materials
  • Easily compostable
  • Money-Back guarantee within 90 days


  • Not suitable for medium size containers
  • Takes more coffee grounds to brew effectively

Cloth Coffee Strainer By Sentir Cubano

Cloth Coffee Strainer

Traditionally used in cafeterias to strain the brewed coffee. It can be used for making espresso as well as Cuban coffee, moreover built with a metal ring to hold the filter steadily and wooden handle for better filtration.


  • Can be used to filter espresso and Cuban coffee
  • Easy to use and wash
  • Sturdy construction
  • Wooden handle
  • Natural cloth


  • Changes the taste of coffee
  • Often spills when pouring.

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How To Make Coffee In A Coffee Sock?

Where the sock is concerned, your brewing method of choice will depend on the type of coffee you want to make. You can either prepare a hot brew or a cold brew.

Hot Brew

People that want a robust flavor will use the sock to prepare a hot brew. The method is fairly straightforward. It involves the following:

1. Start by grinding the coffee beans, grind consistency will influence the taste, you need to experiment until you find the perfect grind a size. Aim for a medium-coarse consistency

2. Boil water before placing the sock in a mug and adding the coffee grounds. Once the grounds are in place, pour enough boiled water to lightly soak them and wait thirty seconds while the grounds bloom. Pay close attention to the quantities. Ideal situation, you can produce great coffee by adding a teaspoon of coffee for every 6 ounces of water.

3. Once the grounds bloom, saturate them with more water. Pour it in a circular fashion. Do this at regular intervals.

4. You need a steeping window of 3 minutes to produce strong coffee. Though, you can get great coffee with a steeping window of 1 minute. You are encouraged to experiment until you find a brewing time that works for you.

5. Remove the sock once you are satisfied. Your coffee is ready for consumption.

Cold Brew

Some people prefer strong but chilled coffee during the summer months. This is what you need to do to prepare a cold brew using a sock:

1. Grind the beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Keep grinding until you have two cups. This amount is needed to make half a gallon.

2. Place the sock over a mason jar and add the grounds. Fill the jar with filtered water and drench the sock. Do this with just a small amount at the start. Allow the grounds to bloom before adding the remaining water.

3. Secure the sock and the grounds to the jar. Place the jar in a refrigerator, furthermore, you must steep for a minimum of 12 hours. This is the biggest problem associated with a cold brew. Often waiting a full 18 hours will produce quality coffee.

How To Clean A Coffee Sock?

Socks are durable. They can remain in operation for six to twelve months, however, the key is to wash and maintain them properly:

1. First of all, don’t leave the sock wet after you use it. This prevents mold and bacteria growth.

2. In order to clean the sock properly remove the coffee grounds. Immediately run cold water over it to rinse. Keep doing this until all the grounds are gone.

3. Place the sock where it can dry. Don’t use cleaning agents or detergents. They will affect the taste of your coffee.

4. If you are worried about hygiene, boil the sock for 10 minutes. This removes build up coffee oils and recommended when the sock is new.

5. The sock should be cleaned after brewing. Using it to make more coffee without cleaning it could affect the flavor of your next cup

Final Thoughts

After reviewing this article with some of the best coffee sock brands, you can easily choose the most suitable one for you. Whether its French press or Aeropress brewing method the choice is yours!

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