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What Is Blonde Roast Coffee

What Is Blonde Roast Coffee?

Blonde roast coffee is a style of roasting beans which has the lightest color and can be likened to overcooking a steak. The taste is perceived as citrusy, lemony, or sour. While the coffee beans are given enough time to crisp up, they still retain the real coffee taste. If you’re a true coffee lover, you’ll enjoy the nice aroma coupled with a complex aftertaste.

Unlike dark roast that is dropped after the second crack, a blonde roast is removed from heat after the first crack making it relatively dense. Light roasts are produced by roasting beans at 401°F. The first crack will last
for 2-3 minutes and that’s what determines how good the coffee is. While some people will stop the process after the first crack, others will wait a few seconds before reaching the actual time. More experienced roasters will experiment with 90-120 seconds to obtain the ideal ratio of taste/acidity. If you stop the roast before the first crack, it’s referred to as a cinnamon roast.

During the roasting process, you should ensure you expose the coffee beans to enough heat to bring out the perfect aroma. One way to test whether the coffee beans are roasted properly is to take a coffee bean and press with your index finger. If it squeezes like a pebble, that’s a sign of underdevelopment. But if it cracks, then it’s roasted properly.

Whats The Difference Between Blonde Roast And Regular Espresso?

If you’re familiar with the signature taste of blonde roast, you may be wondering how it compares with regular espresso. Two main differences are the length they have been roasted and origin they are grown.

  • Blonde roast is a blend of Latin American and East African beans, however regular espresso is blended with Latin American and Asia-Pacific beans
  • Regular espresso has flavors of chocolate notes with dark and bold flavor, furthermore blonde roast has tasting notes which are subtly sweet, smooth, and undertones of citrus
  • Another notable difference is temperature – Internal temperature of blonde roast is 300°F- 400°F and espresso internal temperature is 460°F- 470°F. Brewing coffee at a higher temperatures will result in a bitter taste while cooler temperatures give off sour tastes
  • Length of roast – Blonde roast takes 90 – 120 seconds while a regular espresso takes 20 – 30 seconds. If the time is too short or too long, be sure to check your grind and adjust it accordingly
  • The color of the regular espresso ranges between black and brown similar to chocolate. In good direct lighting, you may spot some reddish hues
  • In terms of caffeine level, you expect a regular espresso to stay on the lead. However, when the blonde roast is measured by scoops, it will have more caffeine. One cup of regular espresso has 75 milligrams of caffeine which is enough to give you an extra jolt in the morning.

How Is Blonde Roast Made?

The amount of caffeine you get from coffee will depend on the preparation method. To prepare blonde roast coffee, you need a pour-over cone, burr grinder, and soft water. However, lightly-colored beans are typically hard and you may not get the desired results when you choose a cheap grinder. Make sure it can be adjusted to produce fine coffee grounds.

For a typical blonde roast, specific flavors contribute to the aromas from brewed coffee. This happens naturally as the internal temperature reaches 400°F as the bean starts to expand and crack, resulting in the first crack. Once this happens the roasting process is over and blonde roast is complete.

Certain physical changes which take longer periods of roasting time have not taken place, these result in sugars being caramelized and reacting to amino acids in a chemical reaction. Overall, giving blonde roast a much sweeter taste and pleasant aroma.

With many brewing methods out there, be sure to choose the one that gives the perfect taste. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach – you can use a classic percolator, French press, and more.

Try Our Recommended Blonde Roast Starbucks Brand

Starbucks Blonde Roast

How Is Blonde Roast Made?

The amount of caffeine you get from coffee will depend on the preparation method. To prepare blonde roast coffee, you need a pour-over cone, burr grinder, and soft water. However, lightly-colored beans are typically hard and you may not get the desired results when you choose a cheap grinder. Make sure it can be adjusted to produce fine coffee grounds.

For a typical blonde roast, specific flavors contribute to the aromas from brewed coffee. This happens naturally as the internal temperature reaches 400°F as the bean starts to expand and crack, resulting in the first crack. Once this happens the roasting process is over and blonde roast is complete.

Certain physical changes which take longer periods of roasting time have not taken place, these result in sugars being caramelized and reacting to amino acids in a chemical reaction. Overall, giving blonde roast a much sweeter taste and pleasant aroma.

With many brewing methods out there, be sure to choose the one that gives the perfect taste. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach – you can use a classic percolator, French press, and more.

How Acidic Is Blonde Roast Coffee?

An average coffee of blonde roast has a PH level of 4.5 and is more acidic than dark roast. It’s somewhere between tomato juice and unripe beans.

Acidity is due to both growing region and way beans are roasted. Higher altitude and volcanic soils contribute to higher levels.

Heat breaks down the acidity as it roasts longer and at higher temperatures, lighter roast profiles are suitable for customers who want coffee with high acidity without sacrificing on flavor. But let’s start with the basics. A PH scale runs from 0-14, where 0-5 means more acidity and 9-14 means more basic. With this in mind, a blonde roast may not be your best coffee if you’re susceptible to digestive problems like heartburn or acid reflux.

While blonde coffee is delicious when you drink on its own, more enjoyable options for those people who dislike bitter coffees, try adding sugars, milk, or flavored vanilla.

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What Are Some Benefits?

There are so many variations of coffee out there, it can be hard to know what all the benefits are. However, one type of roast that isn’t talked about is the variation called blonde roast.

  • Blonde roast contains higher antioxidants and rich in vitamins that improve the immune system and helps in reducing cancer-causing agents
  • Certain amounts of caffeine in the coffee provides as an energy booster
  • It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart seizure and stroke
  • Results have shown a decrease in developing type-2 diabetes

Recommended to take coffee with hot water without any milk or sugar, always the debate on whether or not our morning cups are healthy or not. While some science has shown that some roasts offer up some health benefits, it is important to know what the benefits (or lack
of) may actually be.

In terms of the blonde variation, the acidity levels are quite high. This variation is often called “lighter than light” and the acidic levels far surpass other roasts like darks. The reason behind this is in the roasting process. The longer a bean roasts, the heat actually diminishes the acidity levels. In the case of the blonde, it roasts for a less amount of time.

So what’s the issue with acidity levels? Well, to be frank, acidity levels can contribute to liver problems as well as increasing the risk of heart disease. While these are some pretty hefty issues, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t enjoy a cup of their favorite roast. It is all about moderation. Anything in moderation can be tolerated by the body (mostly!). The blonde roast is a trendy coffee right now, especially at certain famous cafes.

Is Blonde Roast Coffee Healthy?

While there is an issue with the acidity levels that come in lighter roasts, the blonde roast does have its benefits! One of the biggest ones being its antioxidant levels. Antioxidants are more present in lighter beans than dark beans, making the blonde roast having more benefits than a dark roast. To dive a little deeper into this, antioxidants are said to help reduce the risk of heart disease among other things. So it kind of counterbalances the acidity part right? Well, only to a certain extent. Once again, moderation is key!

While this light bean doesn’t have Vitamin C, its silverskin on the bean is said to have properties similar to Vitamin C. Because the blonde roast is not roasted as long as other variations, it retains a lot of its health properties. This is great news for its antioxidants and its Vitamin C like properties.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the blonde roast and its slightly fruity or citrusy taste are preferred by some people’s palettes! It may not be for everyone, however, those who enjoy it are really into it! Coffee is the fuel for our day (or night for some.) and exploring all the possibilities of flavor is quite exciting.

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