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What Is Instant Coffee?

Depending on which side of the hemisphere it may be more common, in the UK over 50% of people drink instant coffee compared to the US which only has 7%. It’s convenient, quick and easy to clean up without needing a lot of equipment to prepare.

Instant coffee is the dried coffee extract, made by brewing regular coffee at a more concentrated level. After brewing, water is then removed making powder or dry fragments which easily re-hydrated before use.

Also referred by two common names Soluble Coffee and Coffee Powder, they were created due to large Brazilian surpluses of coffee spoiling and going to waste.

What Is Instant Coffee

What Is The Difference Between Instant Coffee And Ground Coffee?

Although we all have our own preference whether it’s instant coffee, ground coffee, or a shot of espresso one thing we have in common is the love for coffee. So here are the main differences

  • Lower caffeine levels are in Instant coffee than ground coffee, this is due to the extracting process and how instant coffee is made.
  • Ground coffee contains over double the amount of potassium than instant coffee
  • More Acrylamide is found in Instant Coffees
  • Instant coffee is cheaper than ground coffee, this is due to how much ground coffee needs to be used for the same effect and concentration levels of Instant coffee.
  • Instant coffee is made from Robusta coffee beans giving it a stronger and bolder taste.

The History Of Instant Coffee

Dating back to as early as 1771, originally called “Coffee Compound” which was named after the British government. Most of the history with Instant coffee is involved with rationing during war times. Beginning with the civil war in 1861 Instant coffee was shared in rations to the soldiers.

In 1901 a Japanese-American chemist Satori Kato of Chicago invented soluble coffee powder and in 1903 was patented by an American inventor George Constant Louis Washington making it the first commercial brand becoming very popular during the first world war as the military would buy supplies and ration them accordingly to the soldiers.

During the 1930’s Brazil was the leading coffee producers with a large surplus, not wanting the surplus to pass expiration dates they contacted a main supplier Nestles in creating a flavorful soluble coffee product.

Instant coffee is often described as a strong flavors with bold aromas, this is similar to making a strong cup of coffee.

The breakthrough came in 1937 by a man named Max Morgenthaler with his process involving a method of drying equal amounts of coffee extract and soluble carbohydrates together. This new method of instant coffee again became popular during the second world war with its taste and stronger coffee consistency.

In 1938 the Switzerland based company Nestle launched instant coffee under the name Nescafe and began selling it as a drying equal amounts of extract and carbohydrates.

In 1954 Nescafe developed a method of producing instant coffee with only using coffee carbohydrates as a stabilizer and becoming the biggest supplier of Instant coffee worldwide.

Who Invented Instant Coffee – Where Was Instant Coffee Invented

A man by the name of David Strang invented instant coffee, he placed a patent in 1890 basically reinventing the way it was made which at the time was known a Soluble Coffee.

Who Invented Instant Coffee

He was an inventor from New Zealand, making New Zealand the place Instant coffee was invented. The manufacturers used a process called “Dry Hot-Air” meant to stabilize soluble coffee and make it more efficient.

What Is The Process In Making It?

There are two main ways instant coffee is made, both methods have the same end result which is to remove all water vaporizes from the coffee itself.

Freeze-Drying Method has three steps making the process a bit more complicated. The first step is to cook the coffee until it’s an extract and chill the extract at 20°F. Once it’s in a slushie like state further chill it to -40°F until slabs of ice form on the coffee. This can be done on either a drum or tray. Last step is putting the frozen coffee into a drying vacuum and vaporizing the ice leaving behind instant coffee.

What Is Instant Coffee

Spray-Drying Method is the process by spraying liquid coffee concentrate through very hot dry air as a fine mist. (The dry air itself is 480°F) By the time liquid coffee passes through, the water has evaporated leaving behind coffee crystals.

How Much Caffeine In Instant Coffee?

With many different brewing methods that affect the caffeine levels, how are you suppose to know how much is in each cup of java? The two main factors are the type of coffee beans and brewing methods.

A standard brewing method each cup of coffee contains on average 133 milligrams per 8 fluid ounces of water, the range of caffeine can be between 102 – 200 milligrams. This is compared to Instant coffee which contains less caffeine mostly due to the brewing process. Instant coffee contains on average 93 milligrams per 8 fluid ounces, the range of caffeine can be between 27 – 163 milligrams.

Best 11 Instant Coffee Brands

With Instant coffee becoming more popular worldwide and having the same intense aromas as a strong cup of coffee we have chosen these specifically due to consumer popularity and reviews.

Nescafe Tasters Choice Instant Coffee

Nescafe tasters choice is rich and bold flavors in every cup, made from high-quality selected coffee beans and provides the highest standards for the lives of their farmers. Simply follow desired coffee cup size instructions, add hot water, stir an enjoy.

Contains 65 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

Nescafe Tasters Choice Instant Coffee

Starbuck VIA Ready Instant Coffee

Starbucks has a selection of instant coffee ranging from Colombian, Italian and French roast. The difference is with the mixture, containing both ground coffee and soluble giving it a different texture from other brands.

Made with the intensity of an espresso and bold flavor that holds its own, containing 130 – 140 milligrams per serving of caffeine.

Starbucks VIA Ready Instant Coffee

Waka Coffee – Waka Instant Coffee

This well balanced Colombian roast is freeze dried to preserve aroma and original flavor of the coffee beans. Description as a well balanced medium roast with hints of citrus notes.

What makes Waka coffee stand out is 4% of each sale goes towards providing clean water in underdeveloped countries. Containing between 56 – 84 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce servings.

Waka Coffee

Folgers Instant Coffee

One of the most popular instant coffee brands in the United States and roasted in New Orleans, Louisiana since 1850’s. Made from high altitude grown beans giving them a rich flavor and sealed for preserved freshness.

Each serving provides 71 milligrams of caffeine per 6 ounces.

How Many Calories In Folgers Instant Coffee?

Folgers instant coffee per 178 gram serving contains 2 calories, these calories come from a small amount of protein and mono-unsaturated oils.

Folgers Instant Coffee

Sudden Coffee – Sudden Instant Coffee

Based out of San Francisco, California sudden coffee have found sustainable means to environmental impact by reducing plastic, water and energy by 80% over the first two years of business.

Unique in flavor, this blend tastes similar to single origin high end coffee. Each serving contains 95 milligrams of caffeine.

Sudden Coffee

Mount Hagen – Mount Hagen Instant Coffee

One of the best sellers on Amazon for a reason, bold and rich flavor makes it a great choice. This organic and fair trade product is 100% Arabica coffee beans grown at high altitudes and packed in Germany.

Both organic and kosher certified, containing 57 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

Mount Hagen Instant Coffee

Jacobs Krönung Instant Coffee

Manufactured in Germany, made from 100% coffee grounds with freeze-dried method. Described referred to as a bold and rich taste with less acidity

This high-quality German instant coffee provides 200 grams of delicious flavor, each serving provides 60 milligrams of caffeine.

Jacobs Krönung Instant Coffee

What Is The Best Instant Coffee In India? – Instant Coffee India

Many people would not guess India is the 5th largest coffee growing region in the world, most of the plantations are located on the southern Indian states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu producing 8200 tonnes per year.

Indian Mysore Nuggets

One of the most popular and well known coffees in India, these beans possess a full bodies taste will low acidity. The overall taste is unique with spicy undertones, cinnamon and nutmeg.

For a rich full taste, moderate acidity and one of India’s premium coffees give it a try.\

Indian Mysore Nuggets

Bru Gold Instant Coffee – Bru Gold Coffee

Made of several plantations and robusta coffee beans which are carefully handpicked from the finest south Indian farms and roasted to perfection. This 100% pure robusta coffee offers authentic taste of coffee in ever sip.

Bru Gold Instant Coffee

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee

This unique blend contains mushrooms mixed with arabica coffee. Mushrooms make it easier on the stomach due to alkalinity levels. Don’t be alarmed as the taste of mushrooms won’t be present in the flavor. Each serving contains 40 milligrams of caffeine.

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee

Douwe Edberts Pure Gold

These coffee beans have been roasted to give a rich and aromatic flavor suitable for drinking any time of the day. Product is Dutch dating back over 250 years ago and is referred to as having a smooth, bold flavor.

Douwe Edberts Pure Gold

Final Thoughts

If you’re an avid coffee drinker and like a strong cup of coffee in the morning, give instant coffee a try. Quick and easy way of waking up with minimal clean up.

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