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Why Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth?

Your teeth are not flat and smooth surfaces like we think, in fact they have microscopic pits and ridges that dark-colored drinks such as coffee, cola and tea can cause permanent yellowing or browning of the teeth.

Drinking coffee on a regular bases can permanently stain your teeth, however this is known as a “Coffee Smile“. Visiting your local dentist for a cleaning or brushing on a regular basis are the most effective methods. The hardest substance on the human body is the enamel on your teeth, so How Does Coffee Stain Teeth?

Does Coffee Permanently Stain Your Teeth?

Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth Less If You Add Cream or Milk?

No, adding cream or milk in your coffee by color may seem lighter, however the same acids and pigments are existing. Only exception for this is by adding notably less coffee per cup and more cream or milk.

How To Remove Coffee Stains From Teeth?

Once a coffee stain has formed on your teeth, it can be difficult to remove. Maintaining whiter teeth can be done by frequently brushing, What Can You Do To Remove Coffee Stains?

Using whitening toothpaste will remove the potentially yellowing pigments from your teeth, making your smile a few shades whiter. Certain brands of toothpaste will help whitening, we recommend Colgate Total Toothpaste.

Getting Your Teeth Whitened – this method can be done professionally by a physician or a cheaper version purchasing whitening strips. These whitening kits contain peroxide or bleach and commonly made from a thin elastic or plastic material called polyethylene. For visibly whiter teeth within 10 days, we recommend Crest 3D White Whitestrips.

Regular Cleaning – your dental hygienist can remove most of the stains that dull and discolor your teeth leaving you with a brighter smile. It’s recommended going for a cleaning every 6 months.

How To Prevent Coffee From Staining Teeth?

With several ways to remove coffee stains from your teeth, How Do You Prevent Coffee From Staining Teeth? Here’s how

  • Drink coffee that contains less caffeine – one of the main reasons coffee stains teeth is directly related to the caffeine levels consumed, this is why most of us started drinking coffee in the first place. Less caffeine has fewer poly phenol and therefore less staining.
  • Brush after drinking coffee and purchase a better toothbrush – having a schedule for when you drink coffee and brushing directly after your done can prevent coffee stains from happening. Electric toothbrush vibration allows for more micro-movements every time it moves across your teeth, we recommend Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean, removing up to 7 times more plaque per brush.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using an electric toothbrush versus a manual toothbrush, check out healthline article here.

3.Change how you drink coffee – the best way to prevent coffee staining is not allowing the coffee to contact your teeth, one way to do this is drinking coffee with a straw.

4. Dilute your coffee by adding milk – this method will help prevent staining, in order for this to work milk or cream would have to be a significant amount per cup of coffee.

5. Get your teeth cleaned and whitened – its recommended everyone goes for a regular cleaning every 6 months or twice a year. This way all the browning and yellowing can be scrubbed off.

6. Change your brewing method of coffee – methods such as Percolator or Cold brew will less likely stain your teeth, these methods contain less poly phenol which is the primary way teeth become stained.

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Final Thoughts

Whatever method you choose in order to remove a coffee spill no matter how long it’s been there we have a solution. Pick one and give it a try!

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