What To Do With Leftover Coffee
If you are dealing with time management at home, chances are that you might have leftover coffee at home and made to much. The rest to be thrown out as it becomes cold with bitterness.
If you have been throwing the leftover after coffee methods, perhaps from now on you can make better use of this item. Many people are unaware of the fact that coffee leftovers don’t get wasted, because it can transform many things by simply adding with the compound. Here in this article, you will be able to know how to make the good use of leftover coffee.

Can be used in cooking, baking, and blending
There are so many recipes that you can make from the extra coffee , including some traditional recipes, like tiramisu. You can make tiramisu with ladyfingers that are soaked in coffee and layered with cocoa powder and custard, that can take you to new heights in culinary arts.
Extra coffee that you will be used in cooking is nothing but the coffee -flavored water. With that being said, you can use the leftover coffee while making your steak marinade. Instead of making a fruit compote with water, you can replace it with the leftover brew for a fantastic breakfast topping.
For efficient morning oatmeal, you can cook it in coffee . An interesting aspect of coffee is that it will add extra acidity to anything you are preparing. Whether you are experimenting with your salads by replacing the vinegar or creating your own chili recipe and caffeinated barbeque, the possibilities with leftover coffee are endless.
While baking, you can even use coffee instead of water for making a delicious treat of brownie. For tastier cookies and cupcakes, try it as a coffee -flavored icing. Pour some leftovers into the ice tray to form ice cubes so that it can be used as iced coffee.
You can further blend it with a cup of yogurt or milk, bananas, and make a rich coffee smoothie. Adding cocoa powder and cinnamon will get you an extra flavor.
Coffee Can Be Used For Watering Your Plants
If you have plants like orchids or azaleas, the leftover coffee will give them a great health boost. Keep in mind not to water more than once in 1 or 2 weeks, because coffee is highly acidic. It is better if you keep on observing your plants while watering them with coffee.
If the leaves tend to get a yellowish or brownish look, that means the soil has become too acidic. Also, make sure that the coffee is free from sugar or milk as they will attract fungus and pests.
Getting Crafty
It is natural to worry about stains caused by coffee , but what about using those stains intentionally? You might have come across different coffee arts or crafts on various social media platforms. Using coffee as paint, a new form of art has evolved.
In addition, this new form is non-toxic and cheap for children who are developing their creative side. Along with some brushes, coffee -paint, and paper, the creative aspect of anyone can get started.
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Used As Fertilizer And Good Compost
You might be amazed at the potentialities of the old coffee grounds. Even after brewing a cup of coffee , the grounds are packed with minerals that can be helpful for your plants. Sprinkling the coffee grounds on your lawn will yield greener grass.
For flowerbeds, mix these grounds with your compost, and sprinkle them for healthier flowers, or bushes. Moreover, the old coffee grounds will attract earthworms which plays an integral role in maintaining a good quality soil.
Alternatively, adding some grounds to your compost bin will result in boosting the good bacteria. It will be beneficial for your plants because the nitrogen-rich compost will encourage the microbes to grow.
Helps In Neutralizing Bad Odors
Almost everyone keeps baking soda in a refrigerator for soaking up unwanted odors, but very few people know that coffee can absorb bad odors as well. However, don’t store the coffee beans earlier. Once you are done with brewing it, the leftovers can be used.
Keep the leftover grounds of coffee in your refrigerator, or freezer for soaking up bad smells. Although activated charcoal and baking soda may get you better results, in absence of them, you can definitely give the old coffee grounds a try.
It Can Be Used As A Natural Cleaning Scrubber
If you have a deep liking for bacon, you might probably understand after making a few batches of bacon. The bottom of your frying pan gets caked up with some bits of bacon. To remove those hard stains, an ordinary sponge sometimes doesn’t clean those bits perfectly.