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How To Make Traditional Turkish Coffee

Traditional Turkish coffee is one of the oldest forms of brewing coffee, dating back to the Ottoman Empire during the 1600s. This method of brewing involves very fine coffee grinds and is considered a strong cup of coffee.

Several key components will be required such as a Ibirik, very fine coffee grinds, water and a heat source.

How To Make Traditional Turkish Coffee

History Of Traditional Turkish Coffee

Since the Ottoman Empire Turkish coffee has been a social and ceremonial tradition, the sultan would be served coffee by his experienced coffee makers.

When Was Turkish Coffee Invented? During the 1700s by common trading routes, coffee grew across the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe becoming the main source of social life for men.

In rituals during a marriage, it was custom for the women to brew Turkish coffee for any potential husband.

Being judged on their skills the man would then ask the parents in marriage. Even in today’s traditions bride-to-be serves Turkish coffee.

Turkish Coffee

How To Make Turkish Coffee?

It’s very important if your planning on making Turkish coffee that you buy Medium Roast, and Very Fine Grind Coffee.

1.Pour 50 milliliters water into the Ibirik – allow the water to be room temperature

2. Measure 1 teaspoon of sugar per 50 milliliters of water – add the sugar and let it sink to the bottom

3. Add a spoonful of fine grind coffee

4. Place the Ibirik onto the stovetop – turn the heat up slowly before stirring

5. Bring to a boil and remove it from heat – spoon the foam into coffee cups

6. Bring to a boil for a second time and remove it from heat – pour remaining Turkish coffee into a coffee cup

Tips: Allow the coffee to foam when bringing it to a boil, this adds to flavorful aromas in Turkish coffee.

What Is A Turkish Coffee Pot?

A Turkish coffee pot is a prime utensil used in making Turkish coffee, traditionally made from copper. Includes a wide base, narrow top, and easy pouring spout.

Is Turkish Coffee Stronger Than Espresso

You can compare which one is stronger by taste and flavor or caffeine content. Turkish coffee is stronger by taste as it consists of more coffee grounds.

If you’re measuring the strength by caffeine content than Espresso would be considered stronger. The extraction process concentrates the brewed shot giving it a higher yield of caffeine

Why Is It Called A Turkish Coffee Pot – What Materials Can You Use?

Most common names associated with a Turkish coffee pot are Turkish “Cezve”, Arabic “ibrik” or Greek “briki”.

4 main materials are used in building Turkish coffee pots.

Copper is traditionally the most popular material used as it heats up faster and in Turkey placed as a souvenir item. Heats up coffee evenly and rapidly

Brass is used for the handles on a Cezve, it’s durable, heat resistant and affordable.

Tin layers the inside wall preventing water from making direct contact with copper creating oxidization.

Stainless steel can be a difficult material if your inexperienced, it takes lower heat and produces more foam. Benefits are rust resistant and easy to clean

Why Is Turkish Coffee Served With Water?

Water dilutes your stomach lining preventing coffee grounds from sticking, this is helpful as Turkish coffee tends can be a strong coffee brew.

In tradition, drinking water cleanses the palate and refreshes your mouth so that you will enjoy the flavors of Turkish coffee each sip.

What Is Special About Turkish Coffee?

One of the oldest forms of drinking coffee, originating from Turkey this method has specific traditions that are still around today.

It’s tradition in having a poured glass of water beside you before taking a sip of coffee, this way you get all the flavors Turkish coffee has to offer.

A bride-to-be will make Turkish coffee for her potential husband, being judged on how its made determines the marriage.

Turkish coffee is boiled with sugar rather than adding it later, and is made unfiltered with very fine ground coffee beans.

Same methods for preparing Turkish coffee have been around for 100’s of years.

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Do You Drink The Sediment In Turkish Coffee?

No, the sediment in Turkish coffee is to be left alone. Don’t drink the coffee grounds, it has a strong coffee taste, gritty on your teeth, and texture of wet sand!

Roughly 1/3 of a Turkish coffee is made of coffee grinds, so you can imagine how that would taste!

Is Turkish Coffee High In Caffeine

Turkish coffee contains between 40 – 60 milligrams of caffeine, standard cup of coffee contains 95 milligrams. This is above average for most coffee brewing methods.

For most people, the reason we drink coffee is for the caffeine keeping us awake and alert throughout the day. So it only makes sense knowing which brewing method contains the highest amount.

Caffeine Per Drink

Which Brewing Method Has The Most Caffeine?

1.Pour Over/Drip Coffee Brew – This is a simple process dating back over 125 years. It involves coffee grounds place in a paper filter inside a funnel, then water near boiling point passes through. This method contains 60 – 100 milligrams of caffeine

2. French Press Brew – Coarsely ground coffee is placed in an empty beaker and hot water is added. A mesh plunger is used to separate the grounds by pressing down. Average brew time is between 2 – 4 minutes. This method contains 80 – 10 milligrams of caffeine

3. Espresso Coffee Brew – Water near boiling point is forced under pressure through finely ground coffee beans, this process of brewing is generally thicker with a strong taste. This method contains 30 – 50 milligrams of caffeine

4. Turkish Coffee Brew – This way of brewing coffee is by placing water into a Cezve, bringing the water to a boil and by adding a teaspoon of coffee per cup of water. Boil the water again and discard any accumulated foam. This method contains 40 – 60 milligrams of caffeine

5. Instant Coffee – The extracting process lowers the caffeine levels through either freeze drying or spray drying methods. Accomplished by brewing a regular cup of coffee and then evaporating all water. This method contains 20 – 30 milligrams of caffeine

Where To Buy Turkish Coffee Pot?

Buying a Turkish coffee pot gives you plenty of options, whether it’s from your local store or a big whole outlet like Walmart. This includes online retailers supplying many designs and materials.

One of the most bought Turkish coffee pot materials is copper, it distributes heat evenly and doesn’t come with a heavy price tag. Where To Buy Turkish Coffee Pots?

  • Major online retail store with a larger selection
  • Authentic Turkish coffee shops
  • When travelling in Turkey

Best Top 4 Turkish Coffee

Özerlat Mozaik Coffee

Nearly a century this family run business has stuck to traditional methods of roasting and grinding 100% Arabica beans.

Founded on the island of Cyprus back in 1917 by DervisTahmisÖzerlat, earning his nickname “Tahmis” meaning “Coffee Roaster” in Greece.

Their specialty blend Mozaik is a mixture of red berry aromas, hazelnut, cranberry, and a tangy citrus notes. Recommend giving it a try!

Özerlat Mozaik Coffee

Nuri Toplar Turkish Coffee

Strictly using Arabica Coffee Beans, founded in 1890. Persistently roasting the coffee beans under a wood fire rather than electric ovens.

This brand offers a double roasted Turkish coffee if you’re looking for a very strong cup of coffee.

Nuri Toplar Turkish Coffee

Charalambous Gold Turkish Coffee

Originally delivering fresh ground coffee to local cafes on a bicycle by the founder Mr. George Charalambous.

Slowly growing with the dense population of Turkish, Cypriot, and Greek expats. Becoming the oldest roaster in Cyprus and established in 1943.

This greek coffee has exceptionally smooth taste, and rich aromas! Can’t get more true Turkish coffee!

Charalambous Gold Turkish Coffee

Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi Turkish Coffee

If you enjoy drinking traditional Turkish coffee this brand has been around since 1871, packaging similar to the original and roasted to perfection.

Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi Turkish Coffee

Final Thoughts

If you’re a coffee enthusiast like myself, give Turkish Coffee a try! Can be done over a stove-top and is unique to any other coffee beverage in both flavor and aromas.

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