What Is Robusta Coffee? – What Makes It Different

Robusta coffee comes from the coffee plant Contilon, which originates from Central and Western Africa. The bean is commonly used for expresso shot or instant coffee, as it contains double the caffeine compared to the Arabica coffee bean.
Robusta coffee makes up around 40% of the coffee production worldwide with Brazil and Vietnam having the world’s largest export. Now, stick around, I think you will like the facts that I got for you. Let’s get into it.
What Does Robusta Coffee Taste Like?
Robusta’s coffee taste has a flavorful crema which is used in espresso blends. It can be described as a bit bitter due to higher caffeine content but is said to add flavor depth.
Well washed robusta beans are used in making strong espresso which provides the aromatic crema and is what Italy is known for.
A high quality Robusta bean will have a hint of chocolate and malt notes if roasted right.
With that said, if you want a great recommendation for Robusta coffee then click below
Where Is The Robusta Coffee Plant Grown?
Robusta coffee plant is mainly grown in Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, and Indonesia. The majority of the beans are grown on either side of the equator called “The Bean Belt“.
The average temperature along the bean belt ranges from 22°C to 26°C with an ideal elevation between 200 – 900 meters above sea level.
The Robusta plant is grown at this elevation because it is less vulnerable to pests and weather conditions and unlike the Arabica coffee plant, robusta can grow in direct sunlight.
Best Robusta Coffee Brands
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How Is Robusta Coffee Grown?
Robusta plants are grown with deep roots, large leaves, flowers and fruits. that are in the shape of the globe
The plant has deep roots, large leaves, flowers, and fruits that are in the shape of the globe like clusters. Robusta requires more fertilizers and water, often grown in high densities directly in the sun. Disease-resistant against insects and wind giving it higher yields.
Robusta cherries take ten to eleven months in order to fully ripen. Inside the red fruit (called the cherry) is the coffee bean, which is the seed of the coffee plant. Each Cherry contains two seeds being surrounded by a layer of sweet pulp and a membrane called the parchment.

Top 5 Coffee Producing Countries
Over 70 countries produce coffee beans with only 5 of them producing the vast majority.
1. Vietnam – coffee production has doubled since the 1990s, they specialize in robusta coffee. Vietnam accounts for 30 percent of the worlds robusta coffee export. Just twenty years ago it was a mere 5 percent.
2. Brazil – has been one of the worlds leading coffee producers for over 150 years producing a staggering 2,595,000 metric tones of coffee per year. They specialize in the softer arabica coffee market.
3. Colombia – rising temperatures and increased precipitation have been a key factor for Colombia. Losing number two spot in world export of coffee. Producing 810,000 metric tons per year.
4. Indonesia – originally introduced by Dutch colonists and maintained by small-scale farmers ever since. Climate isn’t ideal for arabica coffee making most of the production robusta export.
5. Ethiopia – harvesting coffee beans makes up for 28% of Ethiopia’s export market, for over 1000 years farmers and shepherds have been harvesting coffee beans successfully. On average 15 million people are employed by coffee production each year.
What Is Robusta Coffee Used For?
Most of the coffee you drink on a daily basis is arabica including the coffee you buy at a local grocery store. Here is what Robusta beans are used for.
1. Used for Instant coffee due to the higher caffeine content and stronger taste.
2. Added to low-quality Arabica coffee blends. Robusta is cheaper to purchase and used a filler to cut costs down.
3. Used for espresso shots for the higher caffeine count and bolder taste.

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What Is The Difference Between Robusta vs Arabica Coffee?

1. Robusta coffee beans tend to have a rounder shape, darker in color, and flat bottom.
2. Generally, robusta is less expensive than arabica coffee, due to the higher yield per coffee plant and growing environments.
3. Robusta contains fewer lipids, around 60% less than arabica. Lipids are the hormones, fats, oils, waxes, and certain vitamins within the beans itself.
4. Lower acidity in robusta beans than Arabica, this contributes to a woody flavor and bold taste.
5. Robusta contains less sugar than arabica, almost 2 times less.
6. Robusta coffee contains double the caffeine content at 2.7% caffeine, arabica has 1.5% caffeine in comparison.
7. Due to the caffeine content and acidity robusta has a harsher and more of a bitter taste than arabica.
8. Robusta coffee is used as a cheap filler in grocery store blends than arabica, often used for espresso shots and instant coffee.

Why Is Robusta Cheaper Than Arabica?
Arabica coffee beans contain twice the sugar content as robusta making the cup of coffee sweeter and for most people more enjoyable to drink. This alone increases the popularity and demand for these coffee beans.
Robusta coffee beans are cheaper to grow and produce a higher yield. Contributed to the resistance of both pests and weather conditions. This lowers the cost per square hectare of crops.
On average Robusta coffee costs 40% less to buy than Arabica, making it more appealing.
How Much Caffeine Is In Robusta Coffee?
Caffeine for most people is consumed in the mornings, the main factors that
Other factors effecting caffeine content can depend on roast levels, on average lightly roasted coffee beans contain more caffeine than a dark roasted bean. Robusta coffee has approximately 2.7% caffeine.
What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Robusta Coffee?
In general, studies have shown drinking up to 4 cups of coffee per day has benefits. For coffee
Here Are 5 Reasons Why Drinking Robusta Coffee Can Be Beneficial
1 – Increases Your Fiber Intake, recommended dose of daily fiber is between 20 – 38 grams and a cup of Robusta coffee contributes to 1.8 grams.
2 – Protection Of The Liver Against Cirrhosis, both regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee decreases the risk by lowering the levels of the liver enzyme.
3 – Reduces The Risk Of Colorectal Cancer – increase with moderate consumption of coffee by up to 26% and reduces the odds.
4 – Caffeine Allows You To Stay Alert And Focused – caffeine affects many neurons in a positive way which increases mental focus and alertness.
5 – Less Risk Of Heart Disease – people who consume three to five cups of coffee daily were less likely to show signs of early heart disease.
Final Thoughts
We have been impressed with robusta coffee beans, especially anyone who is a coffee lover and wakes up on caffeine first thing in the morning Robusta coffee beans seem right for you!
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